Real Estate Tax
The Springfield Township Real Estate Tax is set at a rate of 4.441 Mills of assessed valuation.

Tax Collector: Springfield Township Treasurer Joelle Kleinman
All owners of taxable real property in Springfield Township (vacant land or residential, commercial, and other structures) are subject to a real estate tax each year. The Springfield Township Board of Commissioners determine the annual millage rate for the Real Estate Tax at the time that the budget is adopted each year. The Montgomery County Board of Assessment determines the assessment of each property. The Real Estate Tax is calculated by multiplying the adopted millage by a property's assessed value as determined by the Montgomery County Board of Assessment.
The total Real Estate Tax rate for the 2023 calendar year is 4.516 mills of assessed valuation.
About Tax Billing and Collection:
Please note: Real Estate/Property tax billing and collection for the township, county, and school district is the responsibility of Springfield Township's independently elected Treasurer/Tax Collector, Ms. Joelle Kleinman. For more information, please visit our Treasurer & Tax Collector webpage or go directly to the Springfield Township Treasurer's website at:
Please be advised, Ms. Kleinman does not have access to tax records prior to 2022. Residents will have to reach out to the previous Tax Collector, Bonny Davis, for real estate tax issues or requests for the years 2021 and prior at 215-233-4040.
Contact Information
Name: | Title: | Telephone: |
Joelle Kleinman |
Treasurer/Tax Collector | 215-233-1084 |
Other Local Tax Agencies: