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Township Projects

The information below contains updates and plans for several ongoing projects.

Township Public Improvement Projects

Springfield Township continuously invests its resources into projects that improve the infrastructure, safety, accessibility, functionality, and beauty of our community on a routine basis.  The information below contains updates and plans for several ongoing projects. 


1725 Walnut Avenue/Former Tank Car Site (Future Park)

In 2015, Springfield Township acquired a 7.8 acre property located at 1725 Walnut Avenue in Oreland to redevelop the site into a new public park. The Township is in the midst of finalizing the voluntary Act 2 land recycling program through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and is currently taking steps to proceed in transforming this former industrial site into a recreational amenity for the benefit of the community!

As of March 2023, the Township has acquired over $1 million to fund site improvements. Learn more about the project by visiting our dedicated project webpage using the link below:

Project Webpage 

In June 2023, the Commissioners invited neighbors of the property to submit letters of interest if they were interested in joining the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to form a steering committee for the master plan of the site. The committee has developed scope of work and a request for proposal, both of which are being reviewed by PA DCNR. 

Recreation Center Project

Architects and engineers are currently evaluating the existing buildings to assess their condition and suitability for adaptive reuse on the lot at 1200 Willow Grove Avenue. As part of the current scope of work, a recreation consulting firm will conduct a needs assessment and solicit a community survey. The firm will also provide recommendations for consideration and complete a financial analysis and budget. Input meetings with stakeholder groups and the community have been scheduled. For for information on the project, please visit the project webpage.

Project Webpage 

380-402 Haws Lane Partial Acquisition (Future Park)

Springfield Township took decisive action on this divisive property in Sept. 2022 when the Board of Commissioners issued a partial condemnation to acquire 2.759 acres out of the 4.8 acre site. Once the condemnation is finalized, the 2.759 acres of will be repurposed into a natural resources park with a trail through the woodlands. Learn more about the project by visiting our dedicated project webpage using the link below:

Project Webpage 

Integrity Avenue Stormwater Project

Agreements for easements have been executed between the Township and 3 property owners on the 300 block of Lorraine Ave, whose properties border Integrity Avenue to construct a stormwater basin and related drainage improvements to control stormwater flow. A grant was awarded to the Township in the amount $107,500 from the Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Finance Authority Flood Mitigation Program. The project went out to bid in April 2024. 


Bethlehem Pike Safety Improvements

PennDOT began their project to modify Bethlehem Pike in Springfield Township from Stenton Avenue to Sunnybrook Road as part of its Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The project will improve the safety and navigation of Bethlehem Pike, including:

  • Converting Bethlehem Pike from a four-lane roadway to a three-lane roadway with a two-way center left turn lane
  • Modifying traffic signal phasing and timing
  • Upgrading traffic signal equipment to improve pedestrian safety and vehicular visibility

Project Webpage


Cisco Park Playground Improvements

This year, Cisco Park Playground underwent a series of improvements to replace outdated playground equipment and enhance facilities. Through this project, the Township revitalized the playground at Cisco Park with the installation of new play structures and swings, play-surfacing to replace the existing mulch, and a new pavilion. Other aspects of this project included improving ADA access to the playground as well as the installation of a new sensory play area (sensory panels, musical structures, etc.) to create a more inclusive playground that will provide an opportunity for universal play to all residents, regardless of age or ability. For this project, the Township was awarded a Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2) Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for $134,300, a DCED Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) Grant for $75,000, and a 2022 Montco 2040 Implementation Grant for $130,000, totaling $339,300 in grant funding.

Additionally, representatives from the Springfield Township Rotary Club presented a generous gift of $32,000 at the May 2024 Board of Commissioners Business Meeting for the purchase and construction of the new recreation pavilion. This pavilion is named in honor of William Piszek, who volunteered as a member of the Rotary Club for over 20 years until he passed away in 2022. The pavilion is respectfully named Piszek Pavilion. This project was completed in August 2024. 

Walnut Avenue Pedestrian Trail

On February 8th, 2024, the Township received bids for the installation of a walking trail on Walnut Ave from Oreland Mill Road to the area adjacent to the entrance of Sandy Run Park. Through a partnership with Sandy Run Country Club, the trail was installed along the southern side of Walnut Ave. This project was completed in May 2024.