Fishing Policies
Springfield Township stocks Hillcrest Pond and the Sandy Run Park quarry on an annual basis.

Fishing in Springfield Township
Springfield Township supports the efforts set forth by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission. The mission of the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission is to protect, conserve, and enhance the Commonwealth’s aquatic resources, and provide fishing and boating opportunities. In support of this mission, Springfield Township adopts the state of Pennsylvania fishing regulations.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need a license to fish?
Yes. A valid Pennsylvania fishing license is required of persons age 16 and over to fish or angle for any species of fish. The license must be upon your person and provided upon the request of an officer. A license is also needed to take fishbait or baitfish. Casting and/or retrieving whether by rod, reel and line, or by handline, for oneself or another person, requires a current license unless specifically exempted by law.
A valid fishing license can be obtained through the Pennsylvania Fishing and Boat Commission website.
2. As an adult, where am I permitted to fish in Springfield Township?
With a license, patrons of all ages are permitted to fish at Sandy Run Quarry. At Hillcrest Pond, fishing is limited to patrons 15 years and younger or 65 year and older.
3. Do I need a fishing license to take my young child fishing?
An adult who assists a child by casting or retrieving a fishing line or fishing rod is not required to possess a valid fishing license provided that the child remains within arms’ reach of the assisting adult and is actively involved in the fishing activity.
An adult may assist a child by baiting hooks, removing fish from the line, netting fish, preparing the fishing rod for use and untangling the line without possessing a valid fishing license.
There are a number of Pennsylvania waters that are available to fishing exclusively for children 15 years of age and younger and persons who have certain physical or mental impairments.
4. Can I keep the fish I catch? If so, how many?
You may catch and keep fish from both Hillcrest Pond and the Sandy Run Park quarry. Daily limits are specified by species and size. A guide to seasons, sizes and limits can be found on the Pennsylvania Fishing and Boat Commission website. The Township asks that you take only what you need, and strongly recommends that you practice catch and release in order to provide opportunities for other anglers.