Memorial Bench Donation

Thank you for your interest in donating a memorial bench with Springfield Township. The donation will benefit residents and the community for many years and is much appreciated.
Email completed forms to or mail to:
Springfield Township Attn: Parks and Recreation, 1510 Paper Mill Road Wyndmoor, PA 19038
With your donation, you can anticipate the following:
- The donor will provide Township with a plaque proof.
- Once a bench location and plaque proof is approved by Township staff, the donor will submit a payment check made payable to 'Springfield Township'.
- Upon receipt of payment, the Township staff will order the bench.
- Township staff will contact the donor when the bench is received to discuss the installation.
- Township staff will email the donor a photograph of the memorial bench after installation.
- Township staff will provide the donor with a donation recognition letter.
For memorial tree donations, please contact the Shade Tree Commission.
Memorial Bench Donation Process
Fill out a complete application and return your application along with payment to the Parks and Recreation office. Application forms will not be accepted without full payment. Benches can be installed year-round year.
Memorial plaques are only allowed with bench purchases. The donor must purchase the plaque separately and provide it to the Township prior to bench installation. Plaque verbiage must be reviewed and approved by Springfield Township Parks and Recreation staff prior to ordering.