STPD Units & Officers
The Springfield Township Police Department consists of 29 uniformed officers, including command staff, and organized into three major divisions.
Detective Division: responsible for criminal investigations, forensics, drug investigations, intelligence, evidence management, applicant background checks, and juvenile crime investigations.
Traffic Safety Division: responsible for investigating vehicle crashes and addressing traffic concerns, including but not limited to conducting speed checks, speed studies, crash reports, and traffic calming research.
Patrol Division: responsible for uniformed and plainclothes patrol duties, bicycle patrol, traffic enforcement, accident investigation, emergency response, SWAT Team, and crisis negotiation.
Command Staff
Chief Michael Pitkow | Lieutenant R. Mersky |
Sergeant S. Hart | Officer E. Gross | Officer P. Johnsen |
Sergeant C. Calhoun | Corporal K. Kauffman | Officer R. Burrows |
Officer R. Brown | Officer B. Makowski |
Squad 2
Sergeant N. Whitney | Corporal C. Wiley | Officer T. Sweeney |
Officer J. Litwinowicz | Officer M. Porrini |
Squad 3
Sergeant C. Wilbur | Corporal M. Koenig | Officer M. Tauscher |
Officer M. Fantry | Officer Y. Boujida |
Squad 4
Sergeant S. Badolato | Corporal J. DiSantis | Officer S. Boone |
Officer A. Seltzer | Officer D. Lopez | Officer T. Donnelly |
Emergency Management
The Springfield Township Emergency Management Office (STEMO)'s mission is the development and maintenance of a comprehensive plan to prepare for, respond to, and recover from all types of large scale emergencies that might occur within Springfield Township. This is accomplished by coordinating various Township departments, volunteer units, regional partners, and other organizations that would have a role in any major incident.
Corporal R. Chiarlanza
Emergency Management Coordinator
Civilian Staff
Police Specialist: Katie Carr
Admin Assistant: Joe McAvoy