
Thank you for visiting Springfield Township (Montgomery County's) public education webpage.
In an effort to raise public awareness and knowledge, Springfield Township offers FREE public education workshop on a variety of topics on community issues, township operations, and more! Please explore this webpage to find upcoming public education workshops as well as recordings from previously held educational opportunities.
Upcoming Education Workshops
Stay tuned for future workshop opportunities!
Environmental Education Workshop
Previous Education Workshops
February 25, 2023 (9AM-Noon) - Let's Talk Stormwater!
Have an important stormwater management question and unsure of where to begin? Join our Township Engineer and Staff for a morning conversation about stormwater management! By attending this workshop, residents will learn the basics of stormwater management in our community, best practices, and even some actions they can take to address and help prevent future flooding.
May 21, 2022 (9AM-Noon) - Land Development 101
Learn the basics on the roles and responsibilities of the Springfield Township Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, and Board of Commissioners in the land development process. The presentation will be lead by Steven Wiesner and Larry Comunale, two professionals with years of experience in municipal governance and unique insight on the land development process.
Other Education Resources
Citizen's Guide to Pennsylvania Local Government