Single-Use Plastic Bag Ordinance
At their regularly scheduled August Business Meeting, the Board of Commissioners voted in favor of a Single-Use Plastic Bag ordinance. This ordinance, which will take effect beginning February 2024, prohibits retail establishments from distributing single-use plastic carry-out bags to customers at the point of sale. Customers are encouraged to bring their own reusable bags but may also pay a 10-cent fee to the retailer for a recyclable paper bag or reusable bag. The Springfield Township Environmental Advisory Committee will be hosting an ongoing resuable bag exchange at the Springfield Library.
Single-use plastic products can be defined as items that are used once, or for a short period of time (as little as just a couple of seconds!) before being thrown away. This type of plastic waste has a big impact on the environment and our health. Single-use plastic products are more likely to pollute the environment and end up in our seas than reusable options.
The Board of Commissioners has proposed an amendment to the Single-Use Plastic Bag ordinance to further define exempt bags. The documents can be viewed below.
Single-Use Plastic Bag Ordinance ADOPTED 8/9/23