Statement from the Board of Commissioners
The Springfield Township Board of Commissioners is aware of the 2-1 split decision issued by the panel of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals . While we are disappointed that the majority decision was not in our favor, we respect the judicial process. First Amendment rights form the bedrock of our society. As with most rights, it’s not always clear where one party’s rights end and another’s begin. In this particular matter, the Township believed that a group of our citizens found the flag in question to have racial connotations and was being increasingly used as a symbol supportive of white supremacy at a time when public trust in our law enforcement institutions is critical. We feel the decision of the court has limited the First Amendment rights of municipalities and public organizations at-large and has taken a measure of control of municipal property out of the hands of the people and their duly elected officials. This will have a substantial impact beyond our own community that may not be fully appreciated at this time. It is important to note that the decision was not unanimous and that the dissenting opinion strongly believes that the Township should have been given a chance to demonstrate both its concern and its right to prohibit the display of this controversial symbol on Township property or in any manner suggesting the Township’s support. It seems clear that the First Amendment Rights of the Township deserve nothing less.
We continue to believe the manner in which symbols are used in public spaces deserves critique, especially when they are divisive and do a disservice to those public servants who seek to serve the whole community. Nonetheless, we are exceptionally grateful for the positive and functional relationship that was maintained with all the members of our police department throughout this process, and we believe this sort of respectful debate is a hallmark of a great society. We hope to continue our collaboration between our police department and the community toward a greater Springfield Township.
The Board is weighing its options in conference with Counsel.
Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Law, Act 84 of 1986, notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Springfield Township, Montgomery County, PA, will hold a special or emergency meeting on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 5:30 PM to consider whether or not to authorize the filing of a motion for a rehearing en banc with regard to the split decision of the three judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, in the matter of PA State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police, et. al. versus Township of Springfield, et. al, Case No. 23-3165. No other business shall be conducted. The meeting will be held in the Springfield Township Building, 1510 Paper Mill Road, Wyndmoor, PA. Public comment will be accepted remotely until 4:30PM on the meeting date.
For remote viewing information, please view the agenda below.
Future Board of Commissioners Meetings
Unless specifically advertised, all future business meetings of the Board of Commissioners will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Springfield Township Building.
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