Beginning this past March, Springfield Township initiated a new year-round weekly curbside leaf waste collection program. All LEAF WASTE materials, including leaves, garden residues, shrubbery and tree trimmings, and similar material (EXCEPT GRASS) must be placed in biodegradable paper bags or bundled and placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the morning of your regular collection day.
Township staff have found unsuitable materials mixed into some of the leaf waste we have collected (pruning shears, newspapers, etc), so please adhere to all program guidelines. The inclusion of unsuitable materials in residential leaf waste can damage the Township's processing equipment.
Other Program Guidelines
- Plastic bags and refuse cans containing leaf waste will not be collected.
- Do not use biodegradable paper bags for materials other than leaf waste.
- Refrain from including grass clippings and other materials in your leaf waste.
- Bags must not exceed 50 lbs in weight.
- Tree trimmings and brush must be cut and bundled into four foot lengths (nothing larger than six inches in diameter) and may not exceed 25 lbs.
What Should Happen to Grass?
Grass is not considered leaf waste and should not be placed curbside in biodegradable paper bags. Residents are encouraged to practice “grass-cycling”, a natural process that enables you to recycle your clippings back into your lawn.
If you must bag your grass clippings, use a plastic bag or refuse can to dispose of the clippings. DO NOT USE PAPER BAGS FOR THE DISPOSAL OF GRASS CLIPPINGS. Grass clippings slow the composting process and are not suitable for leaf waste collection.
What Happens to the Leaf Waste?
All leaf waste is composted into mulch by Springfield Twp. Public Works. This mulch is made available to all residents at our compost site on W. Wissahickon Avenue.
You can learn more about the program as well as other services provided by Springfield Township Public Works by visiting www.springfieldmontco.org/departments/public-works.