Advisory Board Vacancies (8)

Tax Questions: Who to Contact?

As residents are most likely aware, Springfield's new tax collector, Joelle Kleinman was elected by the community this past November. This means that Mrs. Kleinman is responsible for the billing and collection of real estate taxes for Springfield Township, Montgomery County, and the Springfield Township School District from 2022 onward. 

Please be advised, Ms. Kleinman does not have access to tax records prior to 2022. Residents will have to reach out to the previous Tax Collector, Bonny Davis, for real estate tax issues or requests for the years 2021 and prior. Bonny Davis can be contacted by phone at 215-233-4040 or email. 

Please do not call the Township, School District, or Library. They are not in charge of, do not manage, direct, control, oversee or supervise the Treasurer and cannot accept payments. 

Contacting the Current Tax Collector

Visit the Tax Collector's Website

Please call (215-233-1084) or email Joelle Kleinman to schedule an appointment if you are unable to pay your 2022 taxes in person or need special accommodations. The tax collector has a drop box at the Township Administration that residents can put tax payments in outside of office hours.

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