Mar 23, 2023
Gasoline Powered Equipment
Here are some important safety tips regarding gasoline for power equipment:
- Store gasoline in a closed, properly marked container that has been approved by an independent testing laboratory.
- Store flammable liquids outside the home in a well ventilated area in a garage or lawn shed.
- Do not smoke when handling or near gasoline. Keep pets and children away from power equipment when operating and fueling the equipment.
- Before refilling power equipment that you have been using, let the equipment cool down first.
Here are some important safety tips regarding grilling activities:
- Before using a propane grill for the first time each year check the gas cylinder hose for leaks by placing a soapy water solution on the hose and fittings and looking for bubbles. If you determine you have a gas leak by smell or the soapy bubble test turn off the gas tank and grill. If the leak stops, get the grill serviced by a professional before use. If the leak does not stop, call the Fire Department.
- If using a charcoal grill do not use a flammable or combustible liquid other than charcoal lighter fluid to start the charcoal. NEVER add charcoal lighter fluid after the ignition of the coals.
- Propane and charcoal grills must only be used outdoors. If used in an enclosed space nearby combustibles could be ignited and toxic gases including carbon monoxide are produced exposing occupants to potential asphyxiation.
- Position grills away from siding, deck railings, eaves and overhangs, overhanging branches and shrubbery, lawn games, play areas and traffic areas.
- Declare a three foot “safe zone” around the grill keeping children and pets away.
- In multiple family dwellings open flame cooking devices are not to be operated on combustible balconies or within 10 feet of combustible construction.