
Township Conducts Official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Springfield Township is excited to announce that the Cisco Park Playground and Pavilion are now officially open!

Through this project, the Township revitalized the playground at James A. Cisco Park with the installation of new play structures and swings, play-surfacing to replace the existing mulch, and a new pavilion. Other aspects of this project included improving ADA access to the playground as well as the installation of a new sensory play area (sensory panels, musical structures, etc.) to create a more inclusive playground that will provide an opportunity for universal play to all residents, regardless of age or ability. For this project, the Township was awarded a Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2) Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for $134,300, a DCED Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) Grant for $75,000, and a 2022 Montco 2040 Implementation Grant for $130,000, totaling $339,300 in grant funding.

Additionally, representatives from the Springfield Township Rotary Club presented a generous gift of $32,000 at the May 2024 Board of Commissioners Business Meeting for the purchase and construction of the new recreation pavilion. This pavilion is named in honor of William Piszek, who volunteered as a member of the Rotary Club for over 20 years until he passed away in 2022. The pavilion is respectfully named Piszek Pavilion.

On August 28, Springfield Township celebrated with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to mark the official opening of the Cisco Park Playground. We hope you enjoy this new addition to our community as much as we do! For progress photos, please visit the Township Projects portion of our website. 

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