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Earlier Collection Times Expected on Monday/Thursday Routes

Residents who live on Carlisle Rd, Patton Rd, Farrell Rd, Bailey Rd, Marshall Rd, Hull Dr, Wainwright Rd, Clark Rd, and Curtis Terr. are asked to please have their trash and recycling out by 7am on their designated collection day for the next few weeks. 

Trash and recycle collection is expected to follow a different route than normal for the next few weeks due to an AQUA project in that area of Wyndmoor. As a result, homes on the streets listed above will have their trash and recycling collected earlier in the day than usual. Please have everything out at the curb by 7am on your regular collection day to ensure that your trash/recycling is not missed.  

Residents are encouraged to always place trash, recycle, and leaf bags out before 7am on their collection day, as trash routes are subject to change.  

For questions about the project, please direct them to AQUA at 1-877-987-2782.

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