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Energy Efficiency

The Township's work to reduce energy usage and cut pollution.

In January 2019, the Board of Commissioners unanimously passed Resolution 1469, committing the Township to work towards 100% renewable energy in municipal operations. This page provides updates on this effort. 

Springfield Conducts Energy Assessment

In the fall of 2019, Springfield Township contracted with Practical Energy Solutions of West Chester, PA to benchmark the energy consumption of our municipal buildings. The findings suggested that the Township Administration Building and Library were utilizing more energy than similar buildings in the area. The Township had Practical Energy Solutions conduct two in-depth energy audits (a warm-season audit in 2019 and a cool-season audit in 2022) to ascertain the causes of the over-consumption and identify methods to reduce the energy usage. By implementing the recommendations in the audits, the Township has been saving on utility bills, significantly lower its energy consumption, and reducing its carbon footprint.

Other Energy-saving Measures

In 2017, the Township replaced its streetlights with LED equipment, which use less energy, and need considerably less maintenance: 

The Board of Commissioners directed Township staff to start replacing traditional police cruisers with internal combustion engines with hybrids in 2021. The additional cost of the hybrids is recovered in a year. The Township has started acquiring Electric Vehicles in 2024.

Next Steps in the Transition to Renewable Energy

Exploring Solar Power:  The Board of Commissioners directed Township staff to explore the feasibility of putting solar panels on the roofs of Township buildings. Click here for more information. 

Electrifying Township Lawn Mowers and Equipment The Township has now committed to purchasing only electric lawn mowers, trimmers, and leaf blowers. These use less power than traditional fossil-fuel equipment, and importantly, are much less polluting, protecting our public works staff from breathing dangerous emissions:   

Springfield Township

Administration & Police
1510 Paper Mill Road
Wyndmoor, PA 19038

Phone: (215) 836-7600 Fax: (215) 836-7180

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm