Documents, Forms & Permits
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Tax Information
- TCC Tax Appeal Policy Updated 2 12 2021
Earned Income Tax
Business Privilege/Mercantile Tax
Local Services Tax
Building & Zoning
Building Permits
Building Permit Application
Building Permit Application for all new construction, alterations and additions, including decks, garages, storage sheds and the demolition of existing structures.
Electrical Permit Application
An electrical permit is required for all new construction, renovations and repairs. The fee schedule is listed on page two of the application.
Mechanical Permit App
This permit is for the installation, repair, replacement, or addition to any for any mechanical device including but not limited to HVAC systems, Solar Panels, Generators, Boilers, Heat Pumps, and Gas Fireplaces/Piping.
Plumbing Permit Application
This permit form must be completed and submitted by a licensed Master or Journeyman Plumber registered with Springfield Township. Permit fees are included on the application form.
Pool Pumping Permit
A pool pumping permit must be obtained in order to pump water from a swimming pool. Pool water may not be discharged over land or to a storm sewer. Please allow 48 hours for BCWSA to identify the proper discharge location.
Portable Storage Unit Permit
A permit is required to place a portable storage unit on your property. Often called "PODS", these structures are permitted for no longer than 60 days and must be located on a paved off-street surface at the furthest location from the street.
Repairable Vehicle Permit
Unless a vehicle is stored completely within a garage, owners of vehicles without valid state inspection and registration decals must obtain a Repairable Vehicle Permit from the Township. If a permit is approved, the owner of the vehicle is permitted 30 days to make any necessary repairs and bring the vehicle into compliance with local and state regulations.
Building Permit Application
Fee Schedule
2022 Fee Schedule
The 2022 Fee Schedule includes a comprehensive list of permit fees for building and plumbing permits, zoning petitions, and other miscellaneous fees charged by the Community Development Department. Effective 1/3/22.
2022 Fee Schedule
Fire Protection Permits
Cooking Fire Suppression System
Permit application form for the installation of a commercial cooking fire suppression system.
Fire Alarm Application
Application form for the installation or modification of an automatic fire alarm system.
Fire Suppression (Sprinkler) System Application
Application form for the installation of commercial and residential automatic fire suppression (sprinkler) systems.
Storage Tank Application
Application for the installation or removal of below or above ground storage tanks.
Tent Application
Application for the installation of a tent or air supported structure.
Cooking Fire Suppression System
Real Estate Transfers
Statement Of Certification For Real Estate Transfers
The Statement of Certification form must be completed for all Real Estate transactions occurring in Springfield Township. The cost is $60.00 for residential properties and $120 for non-residential properties. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for the Township to complete all required inspections.
Statement Of Certification For Real Estate Transfers
Land Development & Zoning Documents
Subdivision And Land Development Application
This document contains a summary of the Township's Subdivision and Land Development procedures, application forms and instructions for all applicants. Please refer to Chapter 95 "Subdivision of Land" of the Springfield Township Code, or contact the Township's Code Enforcement Officer for answers to specific questions.
Zoning Hearing Board Petition And Procedures
This document includes a petition to appear before the Zoning Hearing Board, detailed instructions for completing the form, and a filing fee schedule.
- Township Zoning Map
Subdivision And Land Development Application
Use & Occupancy
Plumber Registration
Plumber Registration
Under Ordinance #459, Section 3(A), (B) and (C) of the Plumbing Code of Springfield Township, Montgomery County, Master and Journeyman Plumbers desiring to continue their plumbing business in the Township must re-register yearly.
Plumber Registration
Emergency Preparedness Guides
Coping with a Disaster or Traumatic Event
Coping With A Disaster Or Traumatic Event
Natural disasters can cause emotional and mental distress for families, adults, and children. It is important to find resources that are available to help someone suffering from distress before, during, or after a disaster or traumatic event.
Helping Children Cope During And After A Disaster
Disasters can cause a wide spectrum of distress, including anxiety and depression, to children of all ages. This is a guide to help facilitate discussion and provide resources for coping.
Coping With A Disaster Or Traumatic Event
Earthquake Preparedness Guide For Seniors & People With Disabilities
Earthquake Preparedness Guide for people with disabilities and other access or functional needs.
How To Protect Yourself During An Earthquake
Earthquake protective action graphics for people with mobility disabilities.
Stay Safe During An Earthquake
Earthquakes are rare in our area, but not impossible. The most important thing to remember during an earthquake is to: "drop", underneath a sturdy surface, "cover", your head and neck, and "hold on" to your shelter or head and neck until shaking stops.
Earthquake Preparedness Guide For Seniors & People With Disabilities
Emergency Supply List
Emergency Supply Kit
A list of supplies to consider adding to an emergency preparedness kit.
Emergency Supply Kit
Extreme Heat
Extreme Heat Infographic
Extreme heat can be dangerous for everyone, especially at-risk individuals. Avoid dangerous conditions by staying hydrated with water, staying in cool areas or air conditioning, and by wearing light-weight, light-colored and loose clothing.
Heat Related Illness Guide
A complete guide on symptoms of heat related illnesses as well as information on what to do when experiencing each symptom.
Heat Stress Risk Factors
Citizens should be aware of the many factors that can impact the risk of heat illness.
Protecting From Heat Stress
Signs and symptoms of heat stress, as well as tips on how to protect yourself from extreme heat.
Protecting Workers From Heat Illness
Provides information to workers and employers on measures they should take to prevent heat-related illnesses and death.
Extreme Heat Infographic
Flood Information Sheet
Failing to evacuate flooded areas, entering flood waters, or remaining after a flood has passed can result in injury or death. It is always important to be prepared for floods before they occur.
Food And Water Safety During Power Outages And Floods
A detailed list of proper food safety precautions to take before, during, and after a power outage - and being prepared to safely handle food and water in the event that flooding occurs.
Planning For A Flood
No matter the size of the flood, all can have devastating effects on your property and family. Proper safety and precaution can help to reduce the harm caused by flooding. Learn how to prepare for a flood, stay safe during a flood, and protect your health when you return home after a flood. More information can be found at
Flood Information Sheet
FEMA How To Prepare For A Hurricane
Once a hurricane watch or warning is alerted, it is imperative that residents know how to protect themselves and create an emergency preparedness plan.
Hurricane Safety Brochure
Provides information on each level of hurricane and tropical storm as well as explains the difference between watch and warning alerts.
Hurricane Safety Checklist
Hurricanes are strong storms that can cause life- and property-threatening hazards such as flooding, storm surge, high winds and tornadoes. This is a list of procedures, supplies, and recovery to help prepare for a hurricane or tropical storm.
Hurricane Safety Infographic
A comprehensive infographic detailing the steps residents should take inside their homes before and after a hurricane or tropical storm.
FEMA How To Prepare For A Hurricane
Lightning Safety Brochure
To avoid lightening, get inside as soon as you hear thunder. Run to a substantial building or hard-topped metal vehicle as fast as you can. This brochure has a detailed list of steps to take if you or someone you know is caught outside during a lightening storm. If someone is truck by lightening, call 9-1-1 immediately.
Lightning Safety Brochure
Power Outages
Power Outage What To Do
PECO prepares for emergencies with advanced planning and employees who are trained and ready to respond on a moment's notice. You can be prepared too by following these simple steps.
Food And Water Safety During Power Outages
A detailed list of proper food safety precautions to take before, during, and after a power outage - and being prepared to safely handle food and water in the event that flooding occurs.
How To Prepare For A Power Outage
It is important to always prepare for a power outage before a minor or major storm. Power outages can impact your family, property, and community at large. This is a detailed list on how to prepare for such power outage. To report a power outage in our area, contact PECO at (for any emergency) 1-800-841-4141 or (for gas only) 1-844-841-4151.
Power Outage What To Do
Tornado Safety Brochure
If a tornado watch or warning is in effect, it is important to be prepared for an emergency situation.
Tornado Safety Graphic
It is important to determine ahead of time the best place for your family to take shelter during a tornado. The safest place in the home is the interior part of a basement. If there is no basement, go to an inside room, WITHOUT windows, on the lowest floor. This could be a center hallway, bathroom, or closet. You could also shelter under very sturdy furniture. Evacuate mobile homes and take shelter elsewhere if necessary.
Tornado Safety Brochure
Winter Weather
Avoid Hypothermia
In cold temperatures, your body begins to lose heat faster than it can be produced, which can lead to serious health problems.
Winter Weather Planning Graphic
Winter storms can bring cold temperatures, power failures, loss of communication services, and icy roads. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe, you should know how to prepare your home and your car before a winter storm hits.
Avoid Hypothermia
Finance Documents
- 2025 Budget Statement
- Township Budget Presentation 2025
- 2025 Budget Revenues Expenses And Fund Balance
- Springfield Act 44 Duda
- Act 44 Verification CBIZ INR
Township Budgets
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2024
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2023
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2022
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2021
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2020
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2019
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2018
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2017
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2016
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2015
- Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2014
Audits & Financial Statements
- 2023 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2022 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2021 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2020 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2019 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2018 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2017 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2016 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2015 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2014 Audit – Financial Statements
- 2013 Audit – Financial Statements
- Spring/Summer 2025 Newsletter
- Fall/Winter 2024 Newsletter
- Spring/Summer 2024 Newsletter
- Fall/Winter 2023 Newsletter
- Spring/Summer 2023 Newsletter
- Fall/Winter 2022 Newsletter
- Spring/Summer 2022 Newsletter
- Fall/Winter 2021 Newsletter
- Spring/Summer 2021 Newsletter
- Fall/Winter 2020 Newsletter
- Spring/Summer 2020 Newsletter
- Fall/Winter 2019 Newsletter
Open Records / Right to Know
Right To Know Request
Form used to request specific records from Springfield Township
Open Records Policy (Township/Non-Police)
Springfield Township's official policy pertaining to Open Records Requests under the Right-to-Know Law for NON-POLICE record requests.
OOR Appeal Form
Form used to appeal a decision to an Agency's denial, partial denial, or deemed denial of an open records request.
STPD Right to Know Policy
Springfield Township Police Department's official policy pertaining to Open Records Requests under the Right-to-Know Law for Police-related records.
Right To Know Request
Parks and Recreation
Applications, Permits, and Documents
Sponsor Form
Program Resources
Park Facility Rental Documents
Park Naming/Renaming Policy
Tree Donations
Memorial Bench Donation
Special Projects
Park And Recreation Project Proposal Policy
All person(s) or groups requesting or proposing a project located in a township park, open space, trail or facility must utilize the procedure outlined in this document.
Park And Recreation Project Proposal Policy
Police Department
STPD Social Media Policy
This policy establishes the Springfield Township Police Department’s position on the utility and management of social media and provides guidance on its management, administration, and oversight. This policy is not meant to address one particular form of social media; rather social media in general.
Complaint Against Police Packet
The purpose of the complaint investigation process is to protect the public, employee, and the department through fair, thorough, and proactive investigations of alleged misconduct. Although we encourage citizens to report police misconduct, complaints must be made in good faith. Anyone who willfully makes any false accusation or provides false information for the purpose of discrediting a police officer will be prosecuted under Pennsylvania Crimes Code Section 4904 and 4906.
- 4 10.STPD RTK Policy
STPD Social Media Policy
Neighborhood Watch Program
Neighborhood Watch Program
A presentation created and presented by the Springfield Township Police Department to help facilitate the creation of a Neighborhood Watch for the purposes of helping our residents keep themselves safe.
Neighborhood Watch Program
Police Permits & Registrations
Alarm Registration
Alarm Registration Form
If you have an alarm system at your residence or business, you must complete and submit an alarm registration form with the Springfield Township Police Department.
Alarm Registration Procedure Form
Procedure for registering your alarm with the Springfield Township Police Department.
Alarm Registration Form
Block Party Permit Form
SafeWatch Registration
Safewatch Registration Form
In this community policing effort, participants in the SafeWatch program will play a crucial role in assisting officers to quickly determine if video footage is available near a crime scene.
Safewatch Registration Form
Public Works
Public Works Permits
Highway Occupancy Permit
If any part of the Township's highway system or right-of way will be occupied for construction activities, including setting a new or replacement utility pole, underground utility repair or installation, driveway or curb construction, a highway permit must be obtained. Construction equipment, materials or containers may not be stored in the street. Applications must be completed and returned to the Community Development department.
Highway Occupancy Permit
Trash & Recycling
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Info
State/County Stormwater Guides & Information
State/Local Guides and Information
Plans and Studies
Parks & Recreation/Open Space Plans
Springfield Twp Park and Rec Plan
Provides an analysis of the condition and operation of Township park and recreation resources. The Plan also crafts a vision for transforming Springfield's parks and recreation system into one that protects the township’s natural and scenic resources and serves citizens of all ages and interests. Prepared in 2008.
Springfield Twp Open Space Plan
Serves as a guide to the Township in acquiring new open space, forging connections through existing open space via an enhanced trail network, and developing programs and policies to preserve and maintain active and passive open space in the Township. Prepared in 2005.
Springfield Twp Park and Rec Plan
Springfield Township Comprehensive Plan
2012 Comprehensive Plan Update A Vision For 2025
A Comprehensive Plan provides an overall vision for the community and serves as a guide for township leaders as they make land use policy decisions. It provides a framework for the zoning, subdivision and land development ordinances, planning for capital improvements, and redevelopment.
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch1 - Introduction
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch2 - Community Goals & Objectives
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch3 - Township Demographics
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch4 - Land Use
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch5 - Natural Resources
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch6 - Historic and Cultural Resources
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch7 - Housing
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch8 - Community Facilities
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch9 - Economic Assets
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch10 - Transportation
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch11 - Compatibility with Other Plans
- 2012 Comp Plan Ch12 - Recommendations and Implementation
- 2012 Springfield ETCI Appendix
2012 Comprehensive Plan Update A Vision For 2025
Vision and Streetscape Plans
Bethlehem Pike Streetscape Master Plan
Provides a general blue print and reference guide for future public and private improvements along Bethlehem Pike. Prepared October 2008.
Flourtown-Erdenheim Vision Plan
Identifies strategies for enhancing the Bethlehem Pike corridor in Flourtown and Erdenheim. Adopted as an amendment to the Township's Comprehensive Plan October 11, 2006.
Bethlehem Pike Streetscape Master Plan
Police/Traffic Safety
Bethlehem & Gordon Report With Attachments 20200414
An engineering study to determine the need for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Bethlehem Pike (SR 2018) and Gordon Lane and the subsequent impact of the installation of a traffic signal on the project intersection and the surrounding roadway network.
Bethlehem & Gordon Report With Attachments 20200414
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
Provides the Springfield Township Board of Commissioners with a living document to guide the expenditure of the Township's $2.08 Million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. -
Trail Network Plan
- 2024 01 19 2023 Springfield Trails And Connectivity Plan (Hi Res)
- 2023 10 11 Springfield BOC Trails Presentation
- Public Meeting Trails Presentation Mar 2023
- What Is A Neighborhood Greenway
- Examples Of Treatment Of Trails Near Residential Properties Revised
- Springfield Level Of Stress For Bicycling 48X36 Portrait
- Springfield Sidewalks 48X36 Portrait
- Springfield Trail Access 48X36 Portrait